Month: April 2009

  • a long time

    I’ve been away so long and I really have no excuse.  I have had many changes in my job and my home life that I have had to come to terms with and I have found myself wanting to just be by me and think things out and react in a way I need to to survive.  I have done this and am doing this and feel it is doing  a world of good.  Life is funny…When you think things couldn’t get worse you ended up wishing they were as bad as they were when you were complaining and not the next platueau.  Then you stabilize and get used to things again…you get used to things and you just handle them because you have to.  Then I realized I am growing up when I didn’t expect others to react in what I would consider reasonable behavior.  I just knew that it was not realistic.  I feel no anger there anymore.  A little temporary sadness but then it passes and I think of me and what I need…what I must focus on…learning not to judge just knowing from way deep inside when someone is an idiot and I can’t change it.  LMAO…that is okay…I like the me I be…